Promotional materials

Aimed at students

Downloadable images and posters, please feel free to embed these wherever you like.

Survival tool kit graphic

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Skills for Study is your essential uni survival tool kit!




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Skills for Study is your essential uni survival tool kit!

Poster | PDF

Sketch of the planning process for page layouts

For staff | librarians

Cite them right Harvard is the University of Wolverhampton’s preferred referencing style and is used by the vast majority of our students. Full details about the style can be found on the Cite them right website, while the Cite Them Right textbook is available to borrow as a print copy or an e-book through LibrarySearch.

Here is our quick guide to Harvard referencing.

For sharing with staff | Librarians and instructors


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Bridging the gap from school to higher education, successful study starts here!



Poster | PDF